Joyce Hatto Identifications and Scandal

On February 15th, 2007 the news broke that some of the recordings by the late British pianist Joyce Hatto (1928-2006) released on the Concert Artist label were in fact illegal copies of recordings by other pianists.  In some cases the recordings were sped up or slowed down by as much as 20% so as to disguise their true origins.  The first disc to be so identified contained Liszt's 12 Transcendental Etudes.  Eleven of the Etudes on that CD had been taken from a CD on the BIS label by the pianist László Simon while the remaining Etude ("feux-follets") was traced to a CD by the Japanese pianist, Minoru Nojima.  Within a week several more Joyce Hatto CDs were found to be forgeries.  It is now widely believed that all of Joyce Hatto's CDs are fakes except for the disc containing Arnold Bax's Symphonic Variations, which she really did record in 1970 with the conductor Vernon Handley.

Joyce Hatto's CD received rave reviews from Gramophone Magazine,,, the Boston Globe, and other publications and websites.  William Barrington-Coupe, the owner of Concert Artist and husband of the late Joyce Hatto, still refuses to divulge the full list of recordings he used to create the Hatto catalogue so that the actual performers can receive the acknowledgement and credit they are due. The task of discovering and crediting the proper performers has instead been left to piano enthuasiasts. Thanks to detective work by a number of people throughout the world many of the Joyce Hatto CDs have been properly identified, but the sources for a significant number of CDs and tracks remains unknown.

On these pages you will find the current identification status of all published Joyce Hatto CDs on the Concert Artist label.  In some cases more than one version of the same CD was published by Concert Artist.  This has been accounted for when known.  All identifications have been confirmed first by ear and then visually by wav file image comparisons.  When tempo manipulation has taken place this too is noted.  The Hatto and source wav files will not always look exactly alike as the sound and tempo alterations that some sources have been subjected to in order to create the Joyce Hatto version can change the wav file appearance.  However, the matching of the wav files patterns is still clear.

The format for each identification page is as follows: At the top of the page you will find the cover scans of the Joyce Hatto CD and all known sources for that CD.  A short capsule summary mentioning in brief how the CD was compiled follows. Below that is a track by track listing of the Hatto CD.  When a performance has been identified, wav file images of the source recording and the Hatto recording are juxtaposed along with their timings rounded to the nearest second.  Timings have been determined after trimming any blank space at the beginning and end of tracks.  For tracks in which it is not possible to determine the exact ending point, such as those with long fade outs, the striking of the final note or chord is used as the ending point for timings.

The task of identifying these recordings is a mammoth one that can not be accomplished without the assistance of others.  Please contact me if you believe you have identified the source of a Joyce Hatto recording.  I will be happy to follow up and post wav file verifications here of identified recordings.

View the full list of Joyce Hatto CDs and their current identification status

View the list of 91 known pianists whose recordings were used to create the Joyce Hatto catalogue

Latest updates to these pages (last updated April 27th)

External Hatto Links